Donald Trump was fuming when he heard what Democrats accused him of doing to friends at Mar-a-Lago

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia CC BY-SA 2.0,

The Democrat National Convention kicked off in Chicago on Monday.

Democrat elites are voting on the Party’s Platform and ceremonially reporting the results for the Presidential and Vice Presidential nominations.

And Donald Trump was fuming when he heard what Democrats accused him of doing to friends at Mar-a-Lago.

Democrats from all across the country are in Chicago this week for the 2024 Democrat National Convention.

Normally, the National Convention is where a party’s elite vote to officially select their Presidential and Vice Presidential nominees.

But delegates already crowned Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee in a virtual roll call that took place earlier this month.  

Even though Kamala has already been crowned, she will officially accept the nomination in a speech on Thursday night.

President Joe Biden will deliver the keynote speech on Monday night.

“Democrats this week will enshrine one of the most audacious power plays in modern political history as they gather for a convention that was hastily reconfigured to try to vault Kamala Harris to a historic presidency,” CNN reported. “It begins with adulation for President Joe Biden, who will speak Monday night to a crowd grateful that he belatedly agreed to pass the torch.” 

Delegates are also voting Monday on the Party’s Platform.

On Sunday, Democrats released a draft of the Platform that delegates will be voting on at the convention.

And it was full of glaringly obvious mistakes like calling for Joe Biden to be re-elected.

“President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job,” it said.

Democrats went all-in on woke extremism right out the gate in their Party’s Platform.

It started with a “land acknowledgment,” stating that Native Americans used to own the area where the convention is being held.

The Platform then falsely claims that the Biden-Harris regime has been a huge success for the country.

It also defends allowing young children to have sex-change operations and take life-altering hormone treatments.

“Democrats will vigorously oppose state and federal bans on gender-affirming health care,” they wrote.

Since illegal immigration is a top issue, Democrats even claim that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been tough on border security.

“President Biden has led with the conviction that we must secure our border and fix a broken immigration system decades in the making,” they wrote.

But the Democrats couldn’t help but to also attack former President Donald Trump in their Platform.

They accused him of “rigging our economy for his Mar-a-Lago friends and billionaire donors, who like him, are only in it for themselves.”

Democrats frequently claim that Donald Trump only cares about himself.

But that argument does not hold up to scrutiny.

Donald Trump is 78-years-old and super wealthy.  

He could be on an island enjoying his time with his family.

But he spent the past eight years being dragged through the mud by Democrats and their media allies because he cares about America’s future.

Trump even took a bullet for America.

But Democrats are trying to convince Americans to believe the lie that all he cares about is Donald Trump.