Donald Trump issued this dire warning to the police about Kamala Harris

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Donald Trump is trying to bring law and order back to the country. 

He’s worried about the future he sees for law enforcement under Democrats. 

And Donald Trump issued this dire warning to the police about Kamala Harris. 

Police endorse Donald Trump after his strong support for them

Vice President Kamala Harris has been rebranded as a “tough prosecutor” to make her more palatable to battleground state voters after she started running for President.

But she has a soft on crime and anti-cop record that dates back to her days as San Francisco District Attorney.

As a U.S. Senator, Kamala supported the “Defund the Police” movement during the summer of 2020 after George Floyd died. 

Former President Donald Trump received the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) based on his border security policies and support for law enforcement. 

He spoke at a meeting of the FOP in Charlotte, North Carolina, about the dangers of a Kamala Presidency. 

Trump said that he was “deeply honored” to receive the group’s endorsement for the third consecutive election.

“We know all about you and the great job that you do and the people of this country respect you greatly for it,” Trump said. “So I just want to thank you on behalf of everybody because I see it.”

He acknowledged the dangers for law enforcement on the job were growing. 

“Unfortunately, we were talking a little while ago,” Trump continued. “It’s probably also a profession that’s under more danger and threat than ever before, which we hate to see.”

The FOP reported that a record 378 police officers were shot in the line of duty with 46 dying. 

Trump warns that Kamala will put police in danger

“I visit a lot of families of police officers who are no longer with us, and we have to get back the power and respect that they deserve more than anybody,” Trump said. “And we’re gonna do that.”

Trump vowed to “launch a war on crime in America” that included a crackdown on gangs while he warned of “Kamala’s crime wave.”

“As we gather today, American cities, suburbs, and towns are totally under siege,” Trump explained. “Kamala Harris and the communist Left have unleashed a brutal plague of bloodshed, crime, chaos, misery and death upon our land.”

“Other than that,” Trump quipped. “They’re doing actually quite well.”

Trump described the transformation in major cities because of the crime wave that Democrats unleashed by giving criminals a slap on the wrist. 

“The new thing in New York, you go to a pharmacy to buy aspirin, to buy a toothbrush and it takes you 45 minutes to get a clerk to open up the glass because people are walking in and just taking it as much as they want,” Trump recalled.

He referenced Kamala’s role in the passage of California Prop 47 in 2014, which made shoplifting under $950 worth of merchandise a misdemeanor. 

“She destroyed San Francisco,” Trump warned. “But she came up with a great idea. You can steal as much as you want up to $950 and nothing happens to you after that.”

Kamala Harris wants to make San Francisco the blueprint for the country if she’s in the Oval Office.