Donald Trump got one message from a union worker that is bad news for Democrats

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Donald Trump is expanding his base of support for the 2024 election. 

He’s caused the political coalitions to begin to shift. 

And Donald Trump got one message from a union worker that is bad news for Democrats. 

Auto workers shifting to Donald Trump over green energy push 

Former President Donald Trump continues the Republican Party’s support with working class voters. 

Michigan resident Brian Pannebecker spent 36 years working at assembly plants for General Motors and Chrysler as a member of the United Auto Workers (UAW) union.

He founded Auto Workers for Trump with UAW members in 2017 after Trump took office. 

Pannebecker told Fox News that the group has grown and expanded to autoworkers throughout Michigan. 

“Word got out around my plant,” Pannebecker said. “It quickly doubled and tripled in size. … Other workers at other auto plants started seeing it [on social media] and requesting to join. And all of a sudden I had hundreds of members.”

Auto Workers for Trump is traveling around Michigan to engage with typically Democrat-leaning UAW members at other auto plants. 

Union bosses clash with their workers 

UAW members are forced to pay union dues out of their hard-earned paychecks as a condition of their employment in order to support union leaders’ efforts to continue being big players in the Democrat political machine after Michigan Democrats repealed the state’s Right to Work legislation.

Pannebecker said that Auto Workers for Trump are at odds with UAW President Shawn Fain, who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris after being invited to speak at the Republican National Convention and barred from the Democrat National Convention.

Kamala and her fellow Democrats’ support for Green New Deal policies, like electric vehicle mandates, is causing more UAW members to support Trump and Republicans.

“We think it’s all a farce,” Pannebecker said of Democrats’ electric vehicle mandates.

He pointed to weak electric vehicle demand from consumers and auto plants in Michigan shifting away from their production.

“Kamala Harris is on record saying she would like to see all vehicles built in the United States reaching zero emissions by 2035. She supported legislation to that effect when she was a U.S. Senator,” Pannebecker said. 

She supported the Zero-Emissions Act in the Senate in 2019, which would require every new vehicle sold by 2040 be electric or zero emissions.

“Even more liberal than Bernie Sanders, so she’s dangerous,” Pannebecker explained. “She knows nothing about manufacturing. She knows nothing about the economy. She’s a San Francisco liberal district attorney. And then she was California’s attorney general. And we all know what’s happened in California. They’ve ruined that state.”

There is a clear contrast between the two Presidential candidates for the auto industry. 

“So, it’s just very, very obvious who the choice is in this election for autoworkers: It’s Donald Trump,” Pannebacker stated. “He’s got a record to run on. Kamala Harris is nothing more than a liberal attorney from California.”

Michigan is one of the most important swing states in the election and polls show that the state is a coin flip. 

The auto industry accounts for about 300,000 direct jobs in the state and another 400,000 jobs are supported by it. 

President Joe Biden won Michigan in the 2020 Election by about 150,000 votes. 

Auto workers shifting to Donald Trump could help him flip the state in November.