Donald Trump dropped the gloves with this brutal takedown of Kamala Harris

Photo by Trump White House Archived, Public Domain, via Flickr

Kamala Harris is trying to hide behind Democrats’ media allies to avoid criticism. 

That’s all about to come to an end. 

And Donald Trump dropped the gloves with this brutal takedown of Kamala Harris. 

Kamala Harris is pretending to be something she’s not

Vice President Kamala Harris entered the Presidential race with unprecedented cheerleading from the media and pop culture outlets. 

She brought a lot of political baggage to the race, dating back to her days as San Francisco’s District Attorney.

Despite running for elected office for two decades now, Kamala has never had to run in a competitive race against a Republican opponent.

She spent her career as California’s Attorney General, a U.S. Senator, and a failed 2020 Presidential candidate, taking extreme left-wing positions on every major issue before becoming Vice President.

Now that she’s not running in California or a Democrat Primary, she’s suddenly reversing herself on a host of long-held positions. 

Her campaign put out anonymous statements that claim she no longer supports banning fracking, a government takeover of private health insurance and the entire healthcare industry, or mandatory gun buybacks. 

She now claims to support adding more Border Patrol agenda and securing the border after voting against every border security proposal during her time in the Senate. 

Kamala has never explained these flip-flops, and the media won’t press her on it.

Voters are just supposed to trust that her that her worldview changed the moment she began running for President. 

Donald Trump drops the hammer on Kamala Harris for her flip-flops

Former President Donald Trump told Breitbart News in an interview that Kamala’s attempt to hide her record by flip-flopping won’t work.

“I don’t think that’s going to fly,” Trump said. “She can’t do a press conference.”

The former President explained that Kamala’s support for eliminating fossil fuels would decimate the economy.

“On energy, she wants everything to be run by the wind,” Trump said. “It’s crazy. She will destroy our country. Germany went that path for two years under [former Chancellor] Merkel. One of the reasons that Merkel is not there anymore is that the opposing party said, ‘We’re ruining our economy.’ Wind is very expensive energy. It frankly doesn’t work. It’s intermittent if the wind is blowing.”

Kamala cast the tie-breaking in the Senate in 2022 for the grossly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act – a $1 trillion giveaway from green energy.

The Biden-Harris regime has been trying to ramp up the use of wind energy with the backing of taxpayer money.

Trump noted that his debate preparation would be a straightforward contrast on the issues. 

“She wants open borders,” Trump explained. “She wants to defund the police. She’s always wanted that. She’s never changed. Now, she wants to change,” Trump said. “She wants to say things she doesn’t believe in. She actually believes in defunding the police. She actually and absolutely believes in open borders. She was the border czar for three and a half years, and she was the worst border czar in history. She never even went to the border. They said she went once; she went to a section of the border that has nothing to do with the problems.”

He explained that politicians always state their real positions early on and then change later.  

“She’s going to have to explain,” Trump said. “Why did she want open borders and now she wants a wall? Always, when that happens, I’ve seen it for years in politics, you have politics and you have a politician. He says something early on like, ‘I want a wall. I want this.’ That’s always the position. ‘I want to defund the police.’ She wants to defund the police. Now, all of a sudden, she’s saying, ‘No, I didn’t really mean that. I didn’t really mean that.’ All of these policies add up to the way that that is what she really wants to do.”

Kamala Harris won’t be able to hide from her radical left-wing past forever.