Dog the Bounty Hunter was ready to go to battle against Democrats for this scary failure

Photo by Steve Terrellvia Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Dog the Bounty Hunter became a star hunting down criminals on his reality TV show. 

He’s discovered one of the most terrifying problems in the country. 

And Dog the Bounty Hunter was ready to go to battle against Democrats for this scary failure. 

Venezuelan prison gang running amok in Colorado

The sanctuary city of Denver, Colorado, has received the greatest number of illegal aliens per capita of any city in the country since 2022. 

Denver has become a popular destination for the growing number of illegal aliens from Venezuela entering the country. 

That has brought an influx of members of the Venezuelan prison gang Tren de Aragua into the city. 

Venezuela emptied its prisons and gang members headed to the southern border to take advantage of the United States. 

Border Patrol officials sent out an internal memo in July that Tren de Aragua is “known to exploit immigrant populations and carry out acts of violent crime.”

Crime from the gang has spilled over from Denver into the suburbs surrounding the Mile High City. 

Tren de Aragua took over apartment complexes in Aurora, Colorado, that had large Venezuelan populations and began to shake down residents for rent money.

A shocking video went viral on social media of members of the gang using guns to menace residents of one of the complexes. 

Colorado Democrat Governor Jared Polis and the local media began to downplay the threat of Tren de Aragua. 

Part of an American city falling under the control of an ultraviolent gang of illegal aliens is something Democrats want to keep a lid on in an election year. 

Dog the Bounty Hunter unloads on Democrats

The national media attention on the Tren de Aragua became big enough that action was taken against some of the members of the gang. 

Aurora Police arrested two members of the gang in connection with a shooting that happened in the city in July.

The two suspected Tren de Aragua members – both illegal aliens – each posted a $1,000 bond and were released. 

Denver doesn’t cooperate with Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) so they can easily hide out from federal authorities there. 

Former reality TV star Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman accused Colorado officials of “high treason” for giving the Tren de Aragua members a $1,000 bond during an appearance on Newsmax.

Chapman – a native of Denver – chased down criminals who jumped bail on his former A&E reality show Dog the Bounty Hunter.

“A thousand-dollar bond means you need 100 bucks to get out of jail,” Chapman said. “I also talked to some Aurora policemen. I can’t mention their names, but they say the governor there in Colorado will not let them even lay hands on them. So it’s not the law enforcement’s fault. It’s not. It’s the government officials.”

Chapman said that he will help former President Donald Trump restore law and order if he’s victorious this November. 

“When the new establishment or the new system comes in, I’m going to be one of the guys that help collect all these felons and extradite them right back over to the border,” Chapman said. 

American cities are being taken over by gangs because of the Biden-Harris regime’s border crisis.