CNN’s Dana Bash was floored when James Clyburn blamed her for Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance

Photo by Rubaitul Azad on Unsplash

The first Presidential debate was a nightmare come true for Democrats.

Donald Trump appeared clear and concise while Joe Biden fumbled and bumbled his way through the entire 90 minutes.

But CNN’s Dana Bash was floored when James Clyburn blamed her for Joe Biden’s terrible debate performance.

Democrats and their media allies spent the past several months trying to convince Americans to believe that President Joe Biden was mentally sharp and not senile.

But Joe Biden’s age and senility were on full display for the entire world to see during last week’s Presidential debate.

Biden’s terrible performance set off a five-alarm fire and started a civil war within the Democrat Party.

Many Democrat politicians and operatives directly called on Joe Biden to step aside and pass the torch to someone else.

But a handful of Democrats are still trying to convince Americans that Joe Biden is mentally fit to serve another term.

One of those Democrats is Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC) whose support handed Biden a key victory in South Carolina and ultimately made him the Democrat nominee in 2020.

On Sunday, Clyburn appeared for an interview with CNN debate moderator Dana Bash on the network’s State of the Union.

Bash asked Clyburn to respond to calls for Joe Biden to step aside due to his terrible debate performance last week.

Clyburn admitted that “it was a bad performance.”

But he defended Biden and refused to call on him to step aside.

According to Clyburn, Biden was only suffering from “preparation overload” after spending the week at Camp David.

“I’ve been a part of debate preparation before, and I know what I see what I call ‘preparation overload,’” he said. “And that’s exactly what was going on the other night, I saw Joe Biden grappling for words and phrases, and even numbers that he was loaded up with.”

Clyburn then brought up Biden’s speech in North Carolina the following day, where he had more energy than he did at the debate.

“The next day, he gets to North Carolina, he’s freewheeling and he captivated the audience, and that’s what we should do,” he said. “The debate preparation can be tough, but you’ve got to really do a good job of preparing the candidate not just with information, but with style, with deflection, and the kinds of things that we did not see in Joe Biden the other night and saw it four years ago.”

Surprisingly, Dana Bash informed Clyburn that “I believe on Friday in North Carolina, he had a teleprompter.”

Clyburn told Bash that Biden “should stay in this race.”

He then whined about former President Donald Trump allegedly lying through his teeth the entire time while Bash and fellow moderator Jake Tapper refused to set the record straight.

“I don’t like the debate where nobody will do any fact-checking,” he said. “You just said what you want to say, you know, it’s a lie, the guy told 30-some odd lies and nobody checked him on it and said that was up to Joe Biden to do.”

“I’m not too sure if I asked you a question and you lied to me with the answer, I would follow up and give you what the facts are and see what your reaction to that would be,” he continued. “So that to me was not the way to plan the debate.” 

He told Bash that “whoever did that, agreed to that, really should think about what they’re doing.”

Once again, Bash informed him of the truth.

“Well, it was a debate, agreed to by President Biden first, who proposed this debate,” she said.

When CNN corrects someone who is defending Joe Biden, Democrats know they have a real problem on their hands.