Bill Maher dropped one brutal fact about colleges that left the woke outrage mob fuming

Photo by David Shankbone, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia

Bill Maher is one of the few Democrats who is actually willing to call out the woke extremists within his own Party.

He’s not afraid of goring the sacred cows that left-wing radicals worship.

And Bill Maher dropped one brutal fact about colleges that left the woke outrage mob fuming.

Maher refuses to perform on college campuses anymore

Comedian Bill Maher became famous in the 1990s while hosting a political talk show on ABC called Politically Incorrect.

Of course, for the overwhelming majority of that time, he was simply yet another of Democrats’ many media allies who always stuck to the Party line, albeit in a more humorous manner than the ruling class elites.

But in recent years, as the Democrat Party has fully pledged its allegiance to woke extremism, Maher has become an outspoken critic of the woke nonsense pushed by his fellow Democrats.

Maher recently spoke with fellow comedian Ray Romano on his podcast Club Random about their long careers in the comedy business.

The topic of performing on the “college circuit” came up, and Maher said that at this point, he would never even consider performing on a college campus again.

“They don’t want to hear anything they don’t already agree with,” Maher said. “They don’t want their minds pried open, and you know what? Let somebody else do it.”

He said Romano would be protested if he tried to perform on a college campus today.

Maher predicted that he would face protests before he even showed up if he tried to perform on a college campus today.

He recalled when he was a victim of the woke outrage mob at a college.

The University of California, Berkeley invited him to speak at the school’s 2014 graduation, but protestors demanded that his invitation be revoked because he made comments critical of Islam. 

“I was uninvited when I was invited to be the keynote speaker at the Berkeley graduation and then re-invited, but today, are you kidding?” Maher exclaimed.

“These kids?” he said. “That would be the first thing they would do.”

College campuses have obviously become so-called “safe spaces” in which woke extremist students throw toddler-like tantrums and attempt to “cancel” anyone or anything that offends their delicate woke sensibilities.

Maher isn’t changing his message to please people

Maher said that he likes spending time with younger people because of their “exuberance” for life but added that they try to dismiss ideas at times because they consider him old.

“I’m not going to hold my tongue when they embrace stupid ideas, and of course, then they’ll just the tritest, easiest, most erroneous thing lobbed at people like us… you’re old, now it’s about just get off my lawn,” Maher explained. “It’s like, okay, you put zero amount of thinking into the actual point I’m making.”

Maher said that he would respect them if they simply considered his point.

“You didn’t engage with the actual idea — if you did that, I would respect you – but what about the idea? Am I right?” Maher stated. “Should we bring communism back? ’Cause I think it’s a bad idea. Maybe because I remember what happened the first time, and you don’t, and you don’t care to learn.”

Maher’s decision to not conform to Hollywood’s woke demands has made him an outlier amongst late-night TV hosts and the entertainment industry in general.

And sadly, he’s now one of the last of a dying breed of actual liberals.