All hell broke loose when Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr said these five words about Joe Biden

Photo by Richard Bagan, Public Domain, via Unsplash

Most professional sporting leagues in America have been hijacked by woke extremism.

But it’s not just the players.

And all hell broke loose when Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr said these five words about Joe Biden.

Every institution in America has been infested with Democrats’ woke ideology.

From the entertainment industry to major corporate brands to government schools, there are virtually no institutions left-wing woke extremists haven’t hijacked.

Even professional sports have been intertwined with Democrats’ woke agenda.

Democrats are ruining women’s sports by advocating for allowing men who claim to be women to compete against biological females.

Professional football players and basketball players have disrespected our troops and our flag by taking a knee and refusing to stand for the National Anthem.

But any professional athlete who has the audacity to oppose the woke agenda is attacked and smeared by Democrats’ media allies – just look at what happened to Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker.

And now, one former NBA player turned head coach is carrying the torch for one of woke extremists’ most important issues.

Steve Kerr played in the NBA from 1988 until 2003, and thanks solely to the fact that he spent much of that time as a role player for Michael Jordan’s Chicago Bulls dynasty, he can claim to have won five championships.

Since 2014, Kerr has been the head coach of the Golden State Warriors.

And thanks to Steph Curry, Klay Thompson, Kevin Durant, and other superstars, the Warriors have won four championships during that time.

But Kerr is also a raging woke extremist who has pledged total allegiance to Democrats’ gun control agenda as a San Francisco Bay area resident.

“I’ve been doing a lot of work the last ten years with a lot of different gun safety [and] prevention people like Brady [United], Giffords, Sandy Hook Promise, March For Our Lives,” Kerr told MSNBC. “I’ve learned so much, and I know that we can prevent lives [lost from gun crime].”

Kerr praised President Joe Biden for supporting “common sense laws” to ban and regulate firearms.

When asked who he planned to vote for in November, Kerr obviously said he was “voting for Joe Biden.”

“I’m voting for Joe Biden, but I think the biggest thing for me, everybody needs to vote their conscience,” he said. “I’m voting on a few issues, but this is the main one.”

Kerr cited Democrats’ big lie that claims “gun violence is the number one killer of children in America.”

Of course, the statistic used by Kerr defines everyone under the age of 20 as “children.”

This means many adult criminals and gang members are counted as “children” in Democrats’ phony data.

Kerr also called for “universal background checks” and claimed that “80 percent of people in this country want universal background checks — doesn’t matter your political affiliation.”

“President Biden is willing to do the work to try to get those changes,” Kerr added.

Steve Kerr is more of a Democrat Party operative than a basketball coach.