A whistleblower is sounding the alarm on this RINO plot to help Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump

Donald Trump
Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Republicans should all be rowing in the same direction in an election year. 

But in the Washington, D.C. “Swamp,” keeping the status quo by ensuring the ruling class maintains power and control over the working class is always the top priority.

And a whistleblower is sounding the alarm on this RINO plot to help Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump.

Whistleblower says RINOs are letting Biden-Harris off the hook

President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 was one of the biggest foreign policy fiascos in American history. 

Poor planning, preparation, and execution resulted in the deaths of 13 American soldiers and countless civilians – including many pro-American Afghans – in a suicide bombing at the Kabul airport after the Biden-Harris regime turned the nation over to the Taliban.

Biden tried to have the final troops withdrawn on September 11, 2021, so he could take a victory lap. 

Vice President Kamala Harris proudly bragged on CNN that she was the “last person in the room” when Biden made the decision to go through with his disastrous withdrawal.

No one was fired for this debacle by the Biden-Harris regime. 

House Republicans vowed accountability for the Afghanistan withdrawal after they regained the majority following the 2022 Midterm elections. 

The House Foreign Affairs Committee led by RINO warmonger Rep. Michael McCaul (RINO-TX) has been leading the “investigation” into the Biden-Harris Afghanistan debacle.

Former Investigative Journalist Jerry Dunleavy wrote a book on the Afghanistan withdrawal with first-person accounts, Kabul: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco.

He was working for the House Foreign Affairs Committee as an investigator for Afghanistan but issued a shocking statement announcing his resignation. 

“I resigned in protest from Chairman [Michael] McCaul’s House Foreign Affairs investigation into the Biden-Harris Admin’s disastrous & deadly Afghanistan withdrawal,” Dunleavy wrote. “Despite my repeated urging, McCaul failed to seek answers on & accountability for the debacle.”

RINO running a fake investigation

Dunleavy noted that McCaul refused to call witnesses that could have exposed misconduct by the Biden-Harris regime.

And witnesses that were called, like former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mark Milley and General Kenneth McKenzie, were treated with “kid gloves.”

Dunleavy noted that the committee did nothing to investigate Harris. 

“I have argued repeatedly that Vice President Kamala Harris should be held accountable for her role in the debacle in Afghanistan, especially now that she is the Democratic nominee for President of the United States and could soon be making national security decisions and directing foreign policy for our entire nation,” Dunleavy stated. 

Harris needed to be held accountable for her key role in the fiasco.

“The record is clear that Vice President Harris says she was involved in President Biden’s disastrous decision-making in 2021, including bragging that she was the last person in the room when President Biden made his foolish Go-to-Zero decision,” Dunleavy explained. 

He lamented that the investigation was letting down the families of the soldiers who were killed at the Kabul airport and every American who fought and died in the country. 

McCaul wants to put on a performance that makes it look like he’s holding the Biden-Harris administration accountable.

Subjecting the Defense Department, State Department, and Intelligence agencies to real accountability would hurt his goal of keeping business as usual, going for the country’s foreign policy.

The last thing a warmongering RINO like Rep. Michael McCaul wants to see is real scrutiny about the countless lives and taxpayer dollars that are wasted overseas.