A vulnerable Democrat gave Kamala Harris one brutal rejection that confirmed the worst

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0

Kamala Harris is being treated like a rock star by Democrats and their media allies.

Not everyone in the Party is drinking the Kool-Aid.

That’s why a vulnerable Democrat gave Kamala Harris one brutal rejection that confirmed the worst.

Red state Democrat runs away from Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris replacing President Joe Biden as the Democrats’ Presidential nominee gave the radical Left a major shot in the arm of enthusiasm. 

The floundering Biden campaign had Democrats down in the dumps after the debate. 

Harris tapped this newfound enthusiasm to raise $200 million in her first week out of the gates.

But not every Democrat was thrilled with her becoming the new nominee.

Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) is the most vulnerable Senate Democrat up for re-election this year.

The winner of his race will almost certainly decide which Party controls the Senate after the election. 

With the GOP virtually guaranteed to flip West Virginia’s seat after U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (I-WV) announced his retirement, Tester’s Republican challenger Tim Sheehy could be the 51st Republican Senator next year with a victory.

Former President Donald Trump cruised to victory in Montana by double digits in the 2016 and 2020 elections. 

Tester counted on sharing a ballot with Biden in November.

Now, he’s sharing a ticket with a San Francisco Democrat who was once rated as the most radical left-wing Senator in America – even beating out self-admitted socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT).

The Montana Democrat announced that he was going to skip next week’s Democrat National Convention.

Tester’s office told Fox News that he “plans to spend his August farming and meeting face to face with Montanans.”

He’s also one of the few Democrats in Congress who has refused to endorse Harris for President. 

Harris is political poison in red states

Tester helped recruit Harris to run for the Senate in 2016 as the chair of the Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee.

Now, he doesn’t even want to give her the time of day.

A Fox News reporter asked him about a potential endorsement of Harris after she officially became the Democrats’ Presidential nominee in a virtual roll call.

“We’re working on my race right now, focused totally on that,” Tester said. “We’re going to win. And we’ll deal with the Presidential race when we have time to do that.”

Tester laughably claimed that Harris’ radical left-wing positions wouldn’t make an impact on his re-election race.

“Because we run our own race,” Tester explained. “I develop my own enthusiasm.”

He’s trying to put as much distance as he possibly can between himself and Harris as he tries to once again fool the people of Montana into voting for him.

But he’s going to have a hard time convincing voters in Montana that he wouldn’t be a rubber stamp for her socialist agenda.

Tester voted for every awful bill that Democrats rammed through during the first two years of Biden’s Presidency.

Harris was able to cast the tie-breaking vote in the Senate as Vice President for the $2 trillion American Rescue Plan – which unleashed a 40-year high in inflation – and the grossly misnamed Inflation Reduction Act – a grab bag of Green New Deal policies – because Tester was the 50th vote for those bills.

Jon Tester’s political career is coming to an end in November because he can’t fool voters any longer.