A top Republican revealed one plan to arrest Merrick Garland that left Democrats stunned

Photo by Chad Davis, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Merrick Garland has spent his entire tenure as Attorney General loyally serving as Joe Biden’s top political hatchet man.

Now, pushing the envelope could come back to haunt him. 

And a top Republican revealed one plan to arrest Merrick Garland that left Democrats stunned.

Protecting Biden

House Republicans recently voted to hold Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland in criminal Contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with a lawful Congressional subpoena for audio recordings of President Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur.

Hur interviewed Biden over two days last October in his investigation into the Democrat President’s alleged mishandling of classified documents throughout his time in the Senate and as Vice President.

Transcripts of that interview previously revealed that Biden forgot what years he served as Vice President and when his beloved son, Beau, died.

With Biden already struggling to make it through brief public appearances, the audio of that lengthy interview could be more explosive evidence of just how significant the Democrat President’s cognitive decline has been.

That’s why Garland doesn’t want those recordings to ever see the light of day.

Former Trump White House official Peter Navarro was convicted of contempt and thrown in federal prison.

The Biden Justice Department refused to prosecute Garland because the agency he controls determined that he didn’t commit a crime.

It looked like the Attorney General was going to get off scot-free because of some home cooking.

But Republicans have one ace up their sleeves.

The plan to arrest Merrick Garland

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) appeared on Newsmax to discuss the fallout from the Biden Justice Department choosing not to prosecute Garland.

“We’ve got a real problem here in terms of Congress’ oversight capabilities,” Johnson lamented. “You know, we are invested in the Constitution with the responsibility to conduct oversight, hold the administration accountable, but unfortunately, Congress has allowed that power to atrophy over the decades.”

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) is supposedly trying to get a federal court to enforce the subpoena against Garland.

Now, an effort is underway to try and have Garland arrested for Contempt of Congress.

“Though there’s actually a third type of contempt that Congress has used in the past, it’s called inherent contempt, and that is where you basically send the sergeant at arms to the individual who’s holding Congress in contempt and you arrest that individual until they comply with your subpoena,” Johnson explained.

Inherit contempt authorizes the House sergeant at arms – the chief House law enforcement officer – to arrest the person in contempt.

But the measure hasn’t been utilized in nearly 100 years. 

“Now, it hasn’t been used in the House since 1916, in the Senate the last time it was used was 1935, but I think the way this is going, the way that administrations just completely blow off Congress and its constitutional responsibility and authority to enforce these things, at some point in time, some committee’s gonna have to start looking at inherent contempt as well,” Johnson said.

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) is planning on forcing a vote on inherit contempt in the House.

That could set the stage for Merrick Garland being held accountable for trying to cover for Joe Biden.