Donald Trump defied the political experts to win a second term.
He outfoxed Democrats and their public relations team in the media.
And a top Democrat admitted that Donald Trump has one major advantage over the Left.
Republicans are dominating the new media environment
The media was the biggest loser of the 2024 Election besides former Vice President Kamala Harris.
President Donald Trump was relentlessly attacked by legacy media outlets throughout the campaign.
But in the end, it didn’t make a difference.
Trump had the biggest victory for a Republican Presidential candidate since the 1980s.
Democrats could count on controlling the narrative through broadcast news and newspapers like The New York Times for decades.
The 2024 Election revealed that the influence of the legacy media is in a steep decline.
Trump reached a greater audience than cable news by appearing on popular podcasts like comedian Joe Rogan, which received 26 million views on YouTube in the first 24 hours after it was posted.
Conservatives had to build their own media outlets because they were locked out of the legacy media.
Now, they’re eclipsing the legacy media in reach and influence.
Fox News host Jesse Watters argued that Democrats were stuck using tactics from the 21st Century on The Five.
“We are waging a 21st-century information warfare campaign against the Left and they are using tactics from the 1990s,” Watters explained. “They are holding tiny press conferences, tiny little rallies. They’re screaming into the ether on MSNBC. This is what you call top-down command and control. You get your talking points from a newspaper and you put it on the broadcast network and then it disappears.”
In contrast, the Right is using Fox News, the Internet, podcasts, and new media outlets like Renewed Right to inform supporters.
“What you’re seeing on the Right is asymmetrical. It’s like grassroots guerrilla warfare,” Watters said. “Someone says something on social media, Musk retweets it, Rogan podcasts it, Fox broadcasts it. And by the time it reaches everybody, millions of people have seen it. It’s free money. And we’re actually talking about expressing information. They are suppressing information.”
Democrat Senator admits his party is losing the information war
U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) admitted that Watters was right about Democrats being behind on the way the media operates in the 21st century.
“This is true. And until the left builds an infrastructure to confront this reality – and stops acting like political communication is still just buying millions of TV and digital ads every two years – we are cooked,” Murphy said in response to a clip of Watters’ remarks on X.
Democrats understood the power of social media, podcasts, and the Internet.
That’s why they are hell-bent on trying to censor conservatives off social media and the Internet to control the narrative.
Democrats can’t win the argument so they try to silence their opposition.
But they’ve lost their stranglehold over the Internet.
The legacy media that Democrats relied on for decades is dying and they’re floundering after the Right built a new media environment.