A grieving mother gave Jim Jordan one painful message that will wreck Democrats

Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Jim Jordan had one of the hardest days of his Congressional career.

What he heard nearly broke him.

And a grieving mother gave Jim Jordan one painful message that will wreck Democrats.

Mother of 12-year-old girl murdered by illegal aliens breaks her silence

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) has been holding a series of hearings about the cost the Biden-Harris regime’s border crisis is taking. 

Jordan told Fox News that he wanted to highlight the “untold numbers of families who suffered” from the Biden-Harris regime’s refusal to secure America’s borders.

“The cost to education systems, cost of health care systems, and the personal loss families have suffered because of the Biden administration, we just now have an open border,” Jordan said. “And under the Biden-Harris administration.”

In June, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray was murdered and sexually assaulted in Houston, Texas, by two illegal aliens from Venezuela.

The Venezuelans illegally crossed the southern border earlier this year.

Jocelyn’s mother, Alexis Nungaray, told the House Judiciary Committee that the Biden-Harris regime was responsible for the murder of her daughter.

She held back tears to give heart-wrenching testimony to the Committee.

“She was strangled to death. She had no clothing from the waist down,” Nungaray said. “Her hands and her ankles were tied and thrown under the bridge of water like she was nothing but garbage.”

Nungaray recalled frantically searching for her daughter when she realized that she wasn’t home.

Police later found Jocelyn’s body in a bayou outside of Houston. 

Kamala and Biden let criminals wreak havoc on Americans

“Because of the Biden-Harris administration open border policies, catch and release, they were enrolled in the Alternatives to Detention program,” Nungaray explained. “This meant that they were released into the United States. It was not even a full three weeks later that they would take my daughter Jocelyn Nungaray’s life.”

The Alternative to Detention program allowed illegal aliens, like the two Venezuelans who murdered Nungaray, to be released into the country on nothing more than a promise that they will show up for a court date that is often years away, allowing them free rein to wreak havoc on working class Americans.

Nungaray told the Committee she couldn’t even imagine “the amount of fear she was feeling in the last moments of her life.”

“She did not deserve to have her life ripped away from her and our family,” Nungaray said. “She had her entire life ahead of her because of these open border policies.”

“Individuals like that do not have heart,” she added. “They are nothing but monsters who are predators and those are the kind of individuals that we so openly let into this country.”

Nungaray spoke at an event former President Donald Trump held at the southern border in Arizona with families who had been the victims of heinous crimes by illegal aliens.

Countless violent criminals are being released into the country every day by the Biden-Harris administration at the southern border. 

The border crisis is inflicting a devastating toll on families around the country.