A former White House physician just blew the whistle on Joe Biden’s biggest secret yet

Photo by Karolina Grabowska via Pexels

Everyone with a functioning brain can tell that something is clearly wrong with Joe Biden.

But the official narrative coming out of the White House is that he is perfectly healthy and even “sharp” behind the scenes.

And a former White House physician just blew the whistle on Joe Biden’s biggest secret yet.

Biden’s physician claimed he was “fit for duty” in February

Every year, the White House physician releases an assessment of the President’s health following an annual physical. 

This year, Dr. Kevin O’Connor published the results in February and claimed that President Joe Biden “continues to be fit for duty and fully executes all of his responsibilities.”

According to O’Connor’s report, Biden is currently suffering from obstructive sleep apnea, non-valvular atrial fibrillation, and a stiffened gait. 

The Democrat President is currently being treated with multiple medications to prevent cardiovascular problems, over-the-counter allergy medications, and Nexium for acid reflux.

But, many people are skeptical about the doctor’s report as Biden has been showing signs of significant physical and cognitive decline for years. 

Many believe that he is being fed an assortment of drugs just to make it through each day.  

Now, former White House physician, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX), is weighing in on the subject.

Former physician to Trump and Obama calls for drug testing

Rep. Jackson served as the White House physician to former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump. 

Earlier this month, Jackson went on Fox News’ Sunday Morning Futures to explain his concerns to Maria Bartiromo ahead of the first Presidential debate.

“I’m going to be demanding, on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans. . .that [Biden] submit to a drug test before and after this debate,” he told Bartiromo. 

Jackson said that he is “specifically” worried that Biden is taking “performance enhancing drugs” to make it through public appearances.

“It’s really embarrassing that as a former White House physician to have to do something like this, but we don’t have any choice, based on what’s going on,” he said. 

Jackson’s demand followed a similar suggestion from Trump and numerous other Republicans.


There’s “really no way to explain” his behaviors

Jackson doubled down on his comments with a post on X stating that Biden’s “handlers” are trying to “fool the American people.”

“During the State of the Union, Joe Biden was sweating PROFUSELY, SCREAMING at the camera, and NOT BLINKING. . .obvious signs of performance enhancing drugs!!” he wrote. 

White House staffers have rejected the claim, saying that Republicans are simply “intimidated” by Biden. 

“It’s telling that Republican officials are unable to stop announcing how intimidated they remain by the president’s State of the Union performance,” Andrew Bates said.

Bates went on to suggest that Republicans are confusing “confidence for a drug” after “seeing him succeed where they failed across the board. . .” 

But Jackson says that there’s “really no way to explain” his condition at the State of the Union, adding that he believed it was possible Biden was taking Adderall for energy and focus. 

Biden spent the week before the debate at Camp David where, Jackson suggests, they were “probably experimenting with just getting the doses right. . .”