A former CNN star revealed the one thing that scares Kamala Harris the most

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/

Kamala Harris tries to project an image of confidence when she’s campaigning. 

But there’s something she doesn’t want the public to know. 

And a former CNN star revealed the one thing that scares Kamala Harris the most. 

Kamala Harris finally takes a solo interview 

Vice President Kamala Harris finally sat down for her first solo national TV interview with MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle.

She avoided answering questions during the interview and leaned into her rehearsed talking points.

Kamala struggled to make it through a softball interview with an MSNBC host who’s openly rooting for her to win the election. 

Even Ruhle noted afterward that Kamala didn’t answer questions directly. 

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza said he “didn’t think she was great” when he was asked about Kamala’s MSNBC interview on his YouTube channel.

“I thought Stephanie Ruhle was exactly who I thought she would be, which is, I thought she was pro-Harris but fair, right?” Cillizza said.  “When Harris didn’t answer a question, I thought she was like, ‘Well, that’s not really answering the question.’ So she clearly prefers Harris to Trump — Ruhle does — but I didn’t think it was like over-the-top ridiculous.”

Ruhle said before her interview with Kamala during an appearance on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher that the Democrat Vice President didn’t need to do interviews because former President Donald Trump was a so-called “threat to democracy.”

Kamala Harris is terrified of speaking off the cuff 

Cillizza admitted that interviews aren’t Kamala’s strong suit. 

“But I didn’t think Harris was great. I thought on tariffs her answer wasn’t particularly good, on the economy her answer wasn’t particularly good,” Cillizza explained. “I just — she’s not great in those settings, like she wasn’t great in the CNN interview, she wasn’t great in the MSNBC interview. There’s a reason she’s not doing a lot of those interviews.”

Kamala’s 2020 Presidential campaign imploded after she started the race as one of the frontrunners because the more she spoke, the less voters liked her. 

She became the most unpopular Vice President in modern history for her frequent gaffes and rambling word salads. 

Her campaign has been keeping her away from the press and situations where she has to speak without a teleprompter after learning from those two experiences. 

Kamala’s campaign is based on the media-generated image of her as a political rock star.

They try to hide the candidate she really is from the public. 

Kamala has avoided talking about policy to stick to platitudes during this campaign. 

Veteran pollster Frank Luntz noted that she only spoke in sound bites during her MSNBC interview. 

He pointed to Kamala’s frequent claim that the rich need to pay their fair share. 

“Some of what she has said in the last few weeks are exactly what voters want to hear. That is not. ‘Pay their fair share.’ We’ve heard it now for how many years, 30, maybe 40? What exactly is fair share? … And the issue for that is it’s a sound bite, it’s a slogan,” Luntz said. 

“However, the public demands a detailed plan of action and they’re not getting it from her,” Luntz added. 

Kamala Harris is running the most carefully scripted campaign in Presidential history. 

Her handlers hope they can run out the clock until Election Day with the media doing the heavy lifting for her.