Donald Trump left heads spinning with the fast start to his Presidency.
Democrats are trying to figure out how to fight back.
And a Clinton official gave Democrats a reality check about Donald Trump that left them sick.
James Carville warns that help isn’t coming for Democrats
President Donald Trump moved at a dizzying pace with executive orders and actions since taking office.
Democrats and their media allies are struggling to train their fire on a single target from his actions.
Longtime Democrat strategist James Carville warned his party that the cavalry wasn’t coming to save them on his Politics War Room podcast.
He ripped members of his party who thought everything was going to be ok.
“The people who go on TV on a panel after the election and say, ‘Don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine,’” Carville said sarcastically. “We can work with him.”
Democrats held onto to delusion by propping up people like RINO Liz Cheney during the election that there was some groundswell of opposition in the Republican Party to Trump.
Carville disabused Democrats of that notion.
He laughed at the idea that “some responsible conservative Republican is going to save us from this.”
The Democrats are on their own without any backup coming to save the day, according to Carville.
“They didn’t come, they’re not there, okay? Let’s just get over it, they’re not coming, the cavalry is not coming, the courts are not coming, nothing,” Carville stated.
Democrats need to find a strategy for the Trump Presidency
Carville told Democrats they needed to find a new strategy to use to oppose Trump.
The veteran strategist argued his party must “pick a unifying theme” that voters “will find to be credible, the Democrats will find to be really credible and excite them.”
He warned that it had to be “true.”
Democrats are dealing with a massive amount of frustration from their voters after getting humiliated in the 2024 Election.
Left-wing activists and House Democrats have argued that the Senate needs to do more to oppose Trump.
“This is not business as usual, and Senate Democrats should not be treating this as business as usual,” Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) said during an interview. “We need to see a halt on all Trump nominees.”
U.S. Senator Peter Welch (D-VT) was asked how Democrats should respond to the Trump Presidency.
“I want to read that story because I’m trying to figure that out,” Welch replied.
Democrats are in the minority in Washington, D.C.
“Here’s the dilemma: We’ve got a Republican majority in the Senate, in the House and Presidency, so we don’t have the votes,” Welch admitted.
Democrats might be worked into a tizzy over the Trump administration but there’s not much they can do about it.
Carville gave them a blunt message about the political situation facing them in Washington, D.C.
“It ain’t coming,” Carville declared. “No cavalry, nope. Listen as hard as you can, not coming!”
Democrats are going to have to wait things out until they have a chance to seize political power again in the 2026 Midterm Elections.