Megyn Kelly was mad as hell at Rachel Maddow for this unforgivable offense

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Rachel Maddow is the biggest star anchor on MSNBC.

But Maddow got a little too big for her britches.

And Megyn Kelly was mad as hell at Rachel Maddow for this unforgivable offense.

Rachel Maddow calls her own network racist 

Critics slammed MSNBC’s Joy Reid as the most racist host on cable news.

Reid – who once mocked “white tears” – got fired by MSNBC as part of a massive programming shakeup.

MSNBC’s viewership sank 53% in the aftermath of the 2024 election as viewers abandoned the channel after hosts like Reid pumped them up with false hope that Kamala Harris was going to defeat Donald Trump.

Hours after MSNBC announced Reid’s firing, Rachel Maddow went on the air and attacked her own network as racist for firing Reid as well as other minority hosts like Katie Phang.

“I will tell you it is also unnerving to see that on a network where we’ve got two—count them, two— non-white hosts in primetime, both of our non-white hosts in primetime are losing their shows, as is Katie Phang on the weekend,” Maddow said. “And that feels worse than bad, no matter who replaces them. That feels indefensible, and I do not defend it,” Maddow stated.

Megyn Kelly couldn’t believe such a display.

On her podcast the following day, Kelly slammed Maddow for publicly embarrassing her bosses.

“She really is one of the most annoying people on television. She oozes sanctimony and self-righteousness, and here’s the real capper. She took her boss’s faces and rubbed them in shit last night. That’s what she did. The guy who oversees,” Kelly stated.

Kelly said Maddow had two bosses – network President Rebecca Cutler and Mark Lazarus, who heads the new company MSNBC was spun off into and that everyone believes is a vehicle for MSNBC’s eventual sale – and Kelly wondered how these two didn’t have the guts to discipline Maddow.

“She’s got two bosses now, Rebecca Cutler who answers to a different boss, his name is Mark Lazarus . . . Rebecca and Mark, do you have any spines whatsoever? Are you actually going to let an employee, that’s what she is, Rachel Maddow, talk about you, your company, and your decision-making this way?” Kelly stated.

Maddow’s comments were a fireable offense as far as Kelly was concerned.

And Kelly in particular called out Lazarus for lacking “testosterone” and “testicular fortitude” if he was going to let Maddow sear him as a racist on his own network.

“Mr. Lazarus, do you have any testosterone? Do you have any testicular fortitude to stand up for yourself as a professional, an executive, never mind a man, and tell this woman, ‘You’re fired too. You’re fired for insubordination and for disparaging the network publicly in front of our four viewers. We’re very upset about what they must now think.’ Why don’t you?” Kelly wondered.