Failing to drain the swamp during his first term in office is one of Donald Trump’s biggest failures.
In fact, even the President-elect himself has openly admitted as much.
But now Dan Crenshaw’s vehement opposition to a ban on Congressional insider trading makes perfect sense when you see his stock portfolio.
It has been widely speculated that some Members of Congress are taking full advantage of the information they learn while carrying out the will of the people.
Congressional Democrats, for example, had their stock portfolios evaluated, only to find that they stunningly outperformed the S&P 500 by 24% – or 5% higher than Congressional Republicans.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) was the biggest Democrat winner in Congress whose portfolio increased a whopping 142%.
However, it is Congressman David Rouzer (R-NC) who had the best 2024 with an eye-popping 149% portfolio increase.
Unfortunately, this is not a new phenomenon, but yet another long, twisted story of the establishment’s corruption.
In 2022, then-House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy considered banning Members of Congress from holding or trading stocks.
“One idea would be to force lawmakers to hold only professionally managed mutual funds. Another proposal the GOP leadership is considering would bar lawmakers from holding stocks in companies or industries their committees oversee,” the report states.
And in light of this startling stock report, Speaker Mike Johson may need to consider reviewing those proposals, as President Trump will certainly want to make good on his old campaign promise to drain the swamp.
Also, as recently as September, President Trump was calling for Nancy Pelosi to be prosecuted over alleged insider stock trading schemes.
“Nancy Pelosi has a little problem because her husband sold their Visa stock – they had a lot of Visa stock – one day before it was announced that Visa is being sued by the Department of Justice… Think of that. Nancy Pelosi sold vast amounts of Visa stock one day before the big lawsuit that we all read about a few days ago,” President Trump told the audience at one of his rallies.
He continued by asking the crowd, “You think it was luck? I don’t. She should be prosecuted! Nancy Pelosi should be prosecuted for that.”
And while Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is certainly one of the most accused of insider trading, Congressman Dan Crenshaw has started to develop a bit of a bad reputation as well.
Congressman Crenshaw fooled many at first with his star-spangled past, however, his true colors started to emerge when he called Trump supporters liars for being suspicious about the 2020 election results.
But now this eager, young, neo-con, establishment, war-hawk is being seen for the swamp creature he truly is.
Apparently and allegedly, when Rep. Crenshaw isn’t busy borrowing money from China to keep fueling the proxy war in Ukraine or calling the few true Trump supporters in Congress “terrorists,” he’s a real “Danny day trader.”
In 2021, Congressman Crenshaw’s portfolio was in the top five of ALL Members of Congress.
And when he was asked about it, the Texas congressman didn’t deny the allegations smirkingly saying, “You have no way to better yourself.”
Now Rep. Crenshaw is only ranked in the top 15 of congressional stock traders.
However, in 2024, he still did very well in the market as his portfolio skyrocketed over 60%, according to recent reports.
But now that the new Congress is well underway, and Donald Trump will soon be back in office, hopefully, the Washington, D.C. “Swamp” will finally be drained.