Chris Cuomo shut down one sick lie by Democrats against Donald Trump

Photo by Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr,

Democrats’ mud-slinging against Donald Trump has gone to a new level. 

But he has some surprising defenders this election. 

And Chris Cuomo shut down one sick lie by Democrats against Donald Trump. 

Democrats rant about Trump being a “dictator”

The main message from Democrats in this campaign against former President Donald Trump is calling him a “dictator” and claiming he’s a “threat to democracy.”

This argument is absurd because Trump was already President for a term.

Democrats are using it to whip their base into a frenzy. 

And they’ve turned Project 2025 into the bogeyman this election cycle as the alleged blueprint for Trump’s dictatorship. 

The Heritage Foundation created Project 2025 as a wish list of conservative policies they’d like to see accomplished. 

Heritage created a similar policy manual for Republican Presidential administrations dating back to former President Ronald Reagan. 

Trump had nothing to do with Project 2025. 

Democrats use it as an alleged source for every outlandish lie they tell about Trump

The Democrat Party website falsely claims that Project 2025 is a “‘Trump-Driven Operation’ To Let Him Be a Dictator on Day One.”

Cuomo dismantles phony “dictator” smear against Trump

NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo has turned over a new leaf after he was fired from CNN. 

He’s still a leftist, but he’s willing to push back against Democrats for a change. 

Cuomo told Democrats to knock it off with the lies about Trump being a dictator and Project 2025 on his The Chris Cuomo Project podcast.

“Donald Trump is not a threat to democracy,” Cuomo said. “Project 2025, it’s conservative values — like them, don’t like them.”

“Unitary executive, giving a President more power, it’s not the same as making him a despot or a dictator, okay?” he continued. “Getting rid of the Department of Education — I don’t like the idea, it’s not destroying democracy, and the distinction matters.”

Cuomo noted that some of the proposals were unlikely to even happen that Democrats fear-monger about.

“Neither is a threat to changing America’s institutions,” Cuomo explained. “I don’t believe that. But Project 2025 says he wants to replace the bureaucracy with his own people. Yeah, it’s also not going to happen. And even if it did, it wouldn’t destroy the institution, it would just put a bunch of people in there.”

He scolded Democrats for creating a phony threat out of Project 2025.

“So I don’t believe in the threat,” Cuomo added. “Now, you may find that unsatisfying because you want Trump to be bad. He gives you enough ammo. The truth is enough. Don’t stretch it and pervert it, because then you are becoming what you say you oppose, which is a sub-theme to the threat to our democracy.”

Democrats are dialing up the fear-mongering to eleven in this campaign against Trump. 

Vice President Kamala Harris can’t run on the accomplishments of the Biden-Harris regime, so her campaign is hoping to make the election a referendum on Trump.