An Army sniper was just hit with this nasty insult by a top Biden-Harris regime official

Photo by Diego González via UnSplash

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are presiding over one of the most scandal-plagued regimes in history. 

They now have another mess on their hands.

And an Army sniper was just hit with this nasty insult by a top Biden-Harris regime official.

White House spokesman insults Afghanistan veterans

The Biden-Harris regime has tried to ignore Afghanistan since their botched military withdrawal from the country in 2021. 

Regime officials declared the debacle a massive success at the time.

No one was ever fired for the Afghanistan withdrawal or held accountable for the failure. 

Representative Cory Mills (R-FL) – a former sniper with the Army’s 82nd Airborne Division – worked on the House Affairs Committee investigation into the Afghanistan withdrawal. 

That investigation produced a scathing 300-page report that blamed the Biden-Harris regime for numerous blunders.

Fox News reached out to White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby to ask for comment about criticism from Mills and three other veterans about the Biden-Harris regime’s handling of Afghanistan on the anniversary of 9/11. 

Kirby forwarded the email from Fox News to White House staffers but accidentally hit “reply all” when he sent it, which included Fox News on it. 

“Obviously no use in responding. A ‘handful’ of vets indeed and all of one stripe,” Kirby said in the email.

Kirby admitted that he sent the email in error to Fox News. 

“Clearly, I didn’t realize you were on the chain,” Kirby wrote to a Fox News reporter who wisely responded to his email with a follow up.

Kirby accidentally hitting reply all is symbolic of the Biden-Harris regime’s complete incompetence in Afghanistan. 

Not responding to criticism about the withdrawal has become standard operating procedure. 

Kirby suggested it would be worth responding to the veterans if they had the right politics. 

White House slammed over blunder

The veterans that Fox News cited in the email to Kirby ripped him for “deflecting” from the failures during the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Kirby defended the Biden-Harris regime in a press conference the day the House Foreign Affairs Committee report was released. 

“The bottom line is that the Biden-Harris administration chose politics over strategy, and Kirby, who I wouldn’t trust to guard my grocery list, is now trying to cover for them,” Mills told Fox News Digital.

Mills pointed to a July 2021 dissent cable from State Department diplomats that warned the Biden-Harris regime’s plan was going to be a catastrophe. 

The House Foreign Affairs Committee had to threaten to subpoena Biden’s Secretary of State Antony Blinken to get a copy of the dissent cable. 

“Once again, John Kirby is deflecting from the Biden-Harris administration’s failed foreign policies,” Mills said. 

“If they were truly transparent, why did HFAC have fun threatening contempt of Congress for Secretary Blinken for intentionally withholding DoS dissent cables from 23 U.S. Embassy diplomats warning that the administration’s strategy would allow the Taliban to advance and lead to the collapse of the Afghan government and American lives to be lost?”  Mills asked. “They knew this and tried to cover it up.”

Mills said the Biden-Harris regime put politics above everything during the Afghanistan withdrawal. 

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris own one of the greatest foreign policy disasters in American history.