A White House official made one confession that put Kamala Harris in this awful spot

Kamala Harris Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0

Kamala Harris has been trying to distance herself from Joe Biden’s Presidency. 

Her campaign was trying to make a clean break. 

But a White House official made one confession that put Kamala Harris in this awful spot. 

Kamala has been trying to pass the buck on Afghanistan

President Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan was a failure in every way imaginable. 

And Vice President Kamala Harris boasted that she was the “last person in the room” with Biden when he made the decision to follow through with the regime’s disastrous withdrawal plan, and continues to stand by the decision today, despite the utter failure.

When it was said and done, 13 American soldiers were killed in an ISIS suicide attack, tens of billions of taxpayer dollars worth of military equipment was abandoned for the Taliban, and the United States looked weak and incompetent on the world stage.

The Afghanistan withdrawal is one of the biggest foreign policy debacles in American history.

Kamala is trying to run as the candidate of change in this election and distance herself from the administration she serves. 

Afghanistan is a political vulnerability for her. 

A news cycle in which Democrats and their media allies attacked former President Donald Trump for being invited to a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery by the families of the 13 soldiers killed in the Afghanistan withdrawal was a disaster for Kamala. 

It put the spotlight back on the withdrawal which the Biden-Harris regime has tried to ignore for the last three years.

Kamala tried to blame Trump for the botched Afghanistan withdrawal during the Presidential debate. 

She ducked a question from one of the ABC News debate moderators if she had “any responsibility” for how the Afghanistan withdrawal was executed. 

But her friends at the White House made it clear that she had a central role in it. 

White House admits Kamala played a key role in Afghanistan failure

White House National Security Communications Adviser John Kirby appeared on CNN News Central before the Presidential debate and he let the cat out of the bag. 

Kirby admitted that Kamala “was at the center” of the planning for the Afghanistan withdrawal.

CNN’s John Berman asked him about the House Republican report that blamed the Biden-Harris regime for the withdrawal.

“The idea of Harris working in lockstep with President Biden on the Afghan withdrawal. Is that accurate?” Berman asked.

“She certainly was at the table for all those national security decisions,” Kirby replied. “She’s spoken herself about her support for the decision to end the war and her contribution to the policy discussions and the planning that went into the withdrawal, if she was at the center of that, of course, as she would be as Vice President.”

The White House admitted that Kamala played an integral role in planning the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

Her campaign is based on casting her as the change candidate in the race and portraying Trump as the incumbent president. 

But she has been right by Biden’s side for every disaster the Biden-Harris regime has created for the last three and half years. 

Kamala Harris helped lead the United States down the path to failure in Afghanistan and is trying to pretend it never happened.