Elton John just broke his silence on Donald Trump nicknaming North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un after one of his hit songs

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The entertainment industry has been dominated by left-wing radicals for decades.

Most of them view Donald Trump as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.

But Elton John just broke his silence on Donald Trump nicknaming North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un after one of his hit songs.

Elton John is known as one of the greatest musicians and entertainers of all time.

He’s had more than 50 Top 40 hits on the UK Singles Chart and U.S. Billboard Hot 100 and has sold more than 300 million records worldwide, which makes him one of the top-selling artists of all time.

The British pop star is the most successful solo artist in the history of the U.S. Billboard charts. 

Like most famous entertainers, the 77-year-old John is an avid leftist.

In June, John appeared with President Joe Biden to help open the Stonewall National Monument Visitor Center in New York to commemorate the Stonewall riots of 1969.

However, Elton John breaks from his fellow leftists in the entertainment world when it comes to attacking and smearing former President Donald Trump.

Elton John is a musician and entertainer before he is a political activist.

He even performed at the late, great Rush Limbaugh’s wedding.

And during a recent interview with Variety, John refused to take the anti-Trump bait offered to him by the reporter.

The Variety reporter asked Elton John what he thought about Donald Trump referring to North Korean leader Kim John Un as “little rocket man” in reference to his hit song Rocket Man.

The reporter was referring to Donald Trump giving Un the nickname in 2017, the day after North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Elton John thought it was amazing.

“I laughed, I thought that was brilliant,” John said. “I just thought, ‘Good on you, Donald,’ I am the rocket man, yeah.”

He then pointed out how Donald Trump has “always been a fan of mine, and he’s been to my concerts many, many times.” 

Unlike his fellow entertainers, John is able to put politics aside and be friendly with everyone.

“So, I’ve always been friendly toward him, and I thank him for his support,” he said. “When he did that, I just thought it was hilarious.” 

“It made me laugh,” he added. “I thought that it was a light moment, and it was fun.”

As for the upcoming election, John did encourage every American to get out and vote.

However, he refused to tell them who to vote for.

“I just want to vote for things that are just, things that are important to people: the right to choose, the right to be who you are, and not let anybody else tell you who to be,” he said. “And that goes all the way up to the Supreme Court.”

John said he would never “go on stage and say to people, ‘You must vote for the Republicans, you must vote for the Democrats.’” 

Elton John is a gay leftist.

Based on the media’s narrative, he should hate everything about Donald Trump.

But Elton John is a professional and acts like one.