The Trump-Vance ticket just stumbled onto a gold mine of campaign material to expose Kamala Harris

Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America, CC BY-SA 2.0,, via Wikimedia Commons

When Joe Biden was still in the race, it looked like Donald Trump was well on his way back to the White House.

That all changed when Democrat elites orchestrated a coup to throw out Biden for Kamala Harris, seemingly putting the former President back in the role of underdog once again.

But thankfully, the Trump-Vance ticket just stumbled onto a gold mine of campaign material to expose Kamala Harris for who she truly is.

Nothing sticks to Kamala

How many Democrats does former President Donald Trump have to defeat to secure the Presidency?

Trump beat former First Lady Hillary Clinton in 2016, and many argue he was the true winner in 2020; he was leading President Joe Biden so badly the incumbent was pressured into waving the white flag of surrender, and now Vice President Kamala Harris is the next opponent in his path. 

The race for the White House isn’t supposed to be a tournament format, yet that’s exactly what Trump is facing. 

And the Democrat Party’s mulligan candidate is trying to run out the clock in the hope that the 2024 Presidential election will be a mere referendum on the caricature Democrats’ media allies have created around Trump and not a contest between two competing visions for America’s future.

The GOP can clearly see what her strategy is, but have yet, to truly figure out a way to combat it.

However, a new poll suggests that simply letting voters get to know the real Kamala could be Trump’s path to victory this November.

Voters know nothing about Kamala

Since Democrat elites coronated Kamala as Democrats’ Presidential nominee, the Democrat Vice President hasn’t answered any questions, but she has spewed a lot of platitudes at campaign rallies – otherwise known as free Megan Thee Stallion concerts where Kamala talks at the end while the audience heads for the exits. 

In her rallies, the failed Border Czar presents herself as a “moderate” and is even plagiarizing several Trump policies that she’s never supported in the past. 

A new McLaughlin & Associates/Media Research Center survey found the vast majority of voters know little to nothing about the Democrat Vice President’s policy preferences. 

The poll asked voters if they were “aware” or “unaware” of Kamala’s position on ten different policies. 

According to the poll results 86% of Americans had no idea that Kamala wanted to give death row inmates ballots to vote, while 81% said they were unaware that the San Francisco radical supports eliminating private health insurance. 

Kamala set up a fund in 2020 to bail violent Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters out of jail, but 78% of voters didn’t know about it. 

Another 77% were surprised to learn the border czar has supported abolishing ICE. 

A full 3/4s of respondents had never heard reports that in 2019, the then-Democrat Senator from California was ranked as the most liberal member of the Upper Chamber – even further to the Left than self-admitted Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT). 

Another 74% were caught off guard when informed that the Democrat nominee for the White House wants to decriminalize illegal immigration. 

Kamala is a co-sponsor of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ (Socialist-NY) job-killing “Green New Deal,” but that was news to 73% of Americans. 

Another 72% were unaware that the Border Czar has never visited a conflict zone on the U.S. southern border – not once.

The Democrat Vice President was one of the leading voices in the “Defund the Police” movement, but 71% of voters said they had never heard about that. 

And it was another 71% of respondents who said they were unaware that Kamala supports providing all black Americans who were never slaves – and in many cases, are not even related to any ancestors who were actually slaves in the U.S. – reparations out of the pockets of white Americans who never owned slaves – and in many cases, have ancestors who either never owned slaves and/or actively gave their life fighting to end the practice. 

Big Media falls down on the job yet again

With polling between Trump and Kamala being razor thin, those polling results seem to suggest that informing the public about her radical policy positions could prove a winning strategy for the Trump campaign.

But how could American voters be so ill-informed about the woman who has been second-in-command of the country for nearly four years? 

According to The National Pulse, the Media Research Center (MRC) did a little digging to find out.

The survey found about half of voters said their primary source for news was broadcast television.

Cable news came in second with 41% and social media in third with 34.5%. 

So, MRC tasked staff with the painful job of reviewing evening news coverage on ABC, CBS, and NBC from July 21 to August 10. 

“Eight of the ten issues examined in the survey were not mentioned at all,” MRC’s study found. “Consequently, the remaining two received only limited air time. This dearth of comprehensive reporting aligns with the knowledge gaps found among voters.”