This California prosecutor’s eye-opening warning about Kamala Harris just kneecapped her propaganda campaign

Kamala Harris Photo by Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Democrats’ efforts to “rebrand” Kamala Harris and cover up her record have been going better than the Party could have ever imagined.

She’s now at least tied with Donald Trump and may very well have a slight lead both nationally and in key battleground states.

But this California prosecutor’s eye-opening warning about Kamala Harris just kneecapped her propaganda campaign.

Kamala’s sordid past

Steven Cooley is a prosecutor in California, and he ran against Vice President Kamala Harris in 2010 when she was running to be the Golden State’s Attorney General.

Every Democrat running statewide that year won overwhelmingly except one – Kamala barely squeaked into the office.

The moderate lawyer has some very strong feelings about Kamala and her fitness for office.

Before Kamala supported defunding the police and helped bail an untold number of violent criminals out of jail, she was a tough-on-crime prosecutor in California.

One of her first jobs was to implement “three strikes and you are out” legislation, which said three felony convictions (no matter how small) lead to immediate life imprisonment.

As the prosecutor in San Francisco, she worked to create a “tough-on-crime” persona by putting people in jail for minor, nonviolent marijuana offenses while also withholding information that would have freed people from imprisonment because it would have also hurt her political statistics.

But this is just touching the surface, according to Cooley.

“I think she’s wholly unqualified and that her election could be the worst thing that happens in my lifetime to our nation,” Cooley told The Daily Mail. “She has extreme positions that are not good for this country. On immigration, on the economy, on law and order, crime and punishment, I can go on and on and on. I think she’s wrong about almost everything, and dangerously wrong.”

“When the winds of political change happened and Democrats decided to coddle criminals again, Harris did the unthinkable, she decided not to seek the death penalty against a known gang leader who gunned down a police officer at a routine traffic stop with a machine gun,” The Daily Mail added.

The outlet went on to say that Harris “went on camera just three days after the killing to announce her decision, without seeking input from the victim’s family or given them advance notice.

As a result of her actions, every single law enforcement group endorsed her opponent.

Kamala actually lost on election night but was declared the winner three weeks later after all the mail-in and provisional ballots were counted.

After overloading the prison system for years, Harris then started supporting legislation that would empty the overcrowded prison system and allow people who shoplift to walk away scott-free.

The ballot measure that passed in 2014 was Proposition 4, which was supported by George Soros – Kamala’s support was crucial in getting it passed.

Cooley offered Trump some unsolicited advice.

“Just focus on her extraordinarily radical positions,” he said. “And I’d say that right now, he should also focus on her choice of a vice president because he looks like a screwball too.’”