20,000 Haitians just invaded this small Ohio town. And no one knows who is responsible

Photo by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, via Wikimedia, public domain

Millions of illegal aliens have flooded metropolitan areas like New York, Chicago, Denver, and even many smaller towns across the nation under the Biden-Harris regime.

Now 20,000 Haitians have just flooded this small town in Ohio.

And no one knows who is responsible.

Town of 60,000 Gets 20,000 Guests

Imagine living in a quaint little town where you know your neighbors and the most exciting thing that usually happens is the local Fourth of July fireworks display.

And then, out of nowhere, 20,000 foreign nationals show up in your town – they can’t speak English or drive, and are reportedly rounding up the ducks from the city park, breaking their necks in public, and taking them home for dinner as if they’re free for the taking.

Not long ago, Springfield, Ohio, was that quaint little town of just under 60,000.

Beginning in 2023, thousands of Haitians started to arrive out of the blue.

Now, in just around one year’s time, 25% of the town’s population is Haitian, and residents are not sure why or even how they’re supposedly there legally, or even who dumped them in their town.

Neighbors are concerned because people who can’t speak English are camping on their lawns.

There are stories of pets, like cats, disappearing and being used for food by the Hatians.

And then there are pictures of ducks being decapitated for dinner by the migrants.

Springfield is on People’s Radars

Now the city is getting support from some heavy hitters.

Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk posted about the plight of Springfield.

U.S. Senator and Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance has been talking about the invasion of Springfield for months.

People Who Complain are Racists

Whenever someone complains about the invasion, they are quickly called racists.

Because this is a small, predominantly white town that typically votes for Republicans, Democrats and their media allies are gleefully dismissing their complaints as racist.

But the fact remains that a Haitian without a driver’s license managed to get his hands on a minivan and swerve in front of a school bus, causing it to tip over and kill one student while injuring several others.

Government schools are stretched to the brink with students no one can communicate with.

And crime is becoming a problem in an area in which the biggest problem used to be teens drinking lukewarm beer in a corn field.

But the fact remains the Biden-Harris regime bussed in 20,000 Haitians who became 30% of the city’s residents.

Citizens of the U.S. who built their community and paid their taxes now feel unsafe in their town because Harris never did her job as Border Czar.

The people who live in the town get called names and are mocked by the liberal news media and government officials when they complain about the problem.

So far no one has offered a good reason why the city of Springfield was targeted by the Biden-Harris regime to be the dumping ground for 20,000 Haitian refugees.

But the people of Springfield are fed up and want answers and action.