Democrats fully expect that they’ll never face pushback from the media for their many lies.
And after decades of media bias, who could blame them?
But now this Democrat Governor wanted to crawl into a hole when she was called out for this mind-blowing lie to her face.
Crime doesn’t pay for Kathy Hochul
New York Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul has done such a terrible job running the state, New Yorkers are starting to miss the days of her predecessor – and he had to resign in disgrace.
Hochul barely survived re-election in the dark blue state in 2022 and has only further divided the state since then.
Now, according to The Populist Times, Hochul has announced that the New York metro subway system added cameras to every car for 100% camera coverage.
But more importantly, Hochul announced she was adding 250 National Guard members to patrol the subway system for the holiday season.
That brings the total number of National Guardsmen who have been assigned to the subways by the New York Democrat Governor to 1,000.
This comes from the same woman who backed bail reforms like cashless bail and reduced bail, putting violent offenders back on the streets.
Hochul’s soft-on-crime record as Governor almost cost her re-election — well, what was really her first election, as she was initially appointed to the seat after then-Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo resigned in disgrace.
During the 2022 Midterms, Hochul was expected to easily cruise to another four years as top dog in Albany.
However, her victory didn’t come so easily – instead, she was forced to sweat out the returns on election night.
Former Republican Congressman and current Trump Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Director nominee Lee Zeldin fell just 5.5-points shy of upsetting Hochul.
To give an idea of scope, in 2018, Governor Cuomo won re-election by about 23.5 points.
And in the 2020 Presidential election, President Joe Biden carried the state by 23-points.
Zeldin’s impressive performance at the top of the ticket was enough to lift several congressional candidates in the Empire State, helping the GOP win back the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives.
With her political future on the line, Hochul is now trying to rebrand as a law-and-order candidate.
Hochul gets that deer-in-the-headlights look
And that apparently includes playing fast and loose with crime statistics.
Hochul held a press conference last week where she claimed under her watch, “subways are safer,” and added that “overall, crime is down.”
The Governor was counting on Democrats’ sycophants in the media to give her a pass and let the assertion go without question.
NY Governor Kathy Hochul is literally left speechless as a reporter demolishes her “subways are safer” lie with crime stats pic.twitter.com/cPFbxBGcF5
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 19, 2024
However, one reporter offered a quick fact check.
Check out the above video to watch Hochul’s shocked-speechless face after the journalist actually displayed a random act of journalism.
“But if you look back to pre-pandemic, now I know you like to say that, that ‘overall crime is down 12% since the pandemic,’ but murders are up 200%, felony assault is up 55%, and burglary is up 140%,” the reporter retorted. “So, are you saying that this is progress?”
The “crime is down” and “subways are safer” headlines are deeply deceptive. From 1997 to 2020, there was never more than five murders in the subway in a single year.
Under Kathy Hochul, murder in the subways has risen to historic highs—up 100% in 2022 and up 100% in 2024.… pic.twitter.com/kU7J5qkuQl
— Ritchie Torres (@RitchieTorres) December 19, 2024
In an obvious attempt to buy time, Hochul was able to briefly untangle her tongue to ask a clarifying question.
“Are you talking about state-wide, city, or subway?” the Governor asked.
“Oh, Crime in the transit system, I’m sorry, crime in the subway system,” he responded.
And clearly the reporter had researched the crime numbers more than the Governor’s team did – as Hochul was quick to pass the buck.
Hochul turned to one of her officials standing next to her and asked him, “You want to answer that?”
Hochul’s history of lying via statistics
The New York Governor has a history of cherry-picking data for political expediency.
Last year, Hochul was embarrassingly fact-checked by The New York Post after she passed along the fuzzy math suggesting shootings and gun violence were the lowest they’d been since 2006.
She added that murders and gun crimes were at 60-year lows.
Just one problem – she was only using statistics from a small percentage of the state.
According to The Post, the data came from just “28 of the more than 500 police departments,” covering just “4.3 million, or 22%, of the state’s 20 million people.”
Furthermore, of the 28 reporting departments, 78% came from counties with Republican District Attorneys.
Conveniently none of New York City was counted in the data.
According to FBI statistics, felony crimes increased by 33% in New York City and 15.8% statewide in 2023 compared to 2019 figures.
Additionally, despite all of the state’s strict gun control laws, violent crime involving firearms jumped 17.6%, and aggravated assault by firearm soared 40.7% during that same time period.