Americans have been waiting for the government to tell them the truth for decades.
Donald Trump has promised to be a champion for transparency during his next term in office.
And now the declassified documents surrounding this top-secret CIA project will make your skin crawl.
UFO experts hinted at a major 2025 disclosure decades ago
The American people have been incredibly patient with the government for decades as they have kept consequential pieces of history a mystery through top-secret programs.
One of the more common subjects of inquiry is UFOs and the potential of other-worldly visitors being discovered.
President-elect Donald Trump has openly considered the idea of declassifying large swathes of top-secret files to promote trust in government through transparency.
While it’s still unclear whether the incoming administration will reveal our nation’s longest-held secrets, there may be another path toward truth.
In December, the Daily Mail published an article hinting at large disclosure this year, regardless of what Trump decides to do.
According to the report, in the 1990s an aviation journalist named Jim Goodall sat down for an interview to discuss alien technology.
“Can you really tell me what’s happening out there?” Goodall recalled asking a source, to which he said the person responded, “I won’t be able to tell you until the year 2025.”
Daily Mail speculated that it might “refer to an executive order by then-President Bill Clinton, which established a 25-year timer for the ‘automatic declassification” of government secrets.”
National Security Archives “shed light on an especially dark period” in U.S. history
Fast forward to 2025, and we are now witnessing something astounding.
The government has declassified hundreds of pages related to a top-secret mind-control project that was sanctioned and run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
In December 2018, the CIA published the first of many documents proving its existence.
“MK-ULTRA, or MKULTRA, was the code name for a covert CIA mind-control and chemical interrogation research program, run by the Office of Scientific Intelligence,” the document read.
According to the Daily Mail, the program was started under former Deputy Director of the CIA Allen Dulles in the 1950s.
Dulles said that the agency needed to “develop mind-controlling drugs to be used against the Soviets during the Cold War.”
On December 23, 2024, the National Security Archive (NSA) released a statement alongside the documents.
“The CIA conducted terrifying experiments using drugs, hypnosis, isolation, sensory deprivation, and other extreme techniques on human subjects,” the statement read alluding to testing on Americans.
The NSA said the documents “shed light on an especially dark period in the history of behavioral sciences. . .”
This period was marked by “experiments usually associated with Nazi doctors who were tried at Nuremberg.”
Americans were “unwittingly” subjected to experiments resulting in “hours of paranoia”
Dulles said that the U.S. was “somewhat handicapped in brain warfare” and that led to over 144 projects that were conducted from 1953 to 1964.
The government hoped to develop drugs and practices that would be used to interrogate subjects and force confessions through psychological torture.
The CIA documents detailed how Americans “in normal life settings” were “unwittingly” dosed with lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), a powerful hallucinogenic drug.
The drug was produced in “tonnage” by pharmaceutical giant Eli Lilly.
Infamous organized crime boss, James ‘Whitey” Bulger, wrote about his time in an Atlanta prison where he was subjected to the testing.
Bulger explained that he experienced a “total loss of appetite” and “hours of paranoia and feeling violent.”
“We experienced horrible periods of living nightmares and even blood coming out of the walls,” Bulger wrote.
In a statement, the NSA said that the documents “survived” the CIA’s “efforts to erase this hidden history.”
Now, they hope the newly declassified documents would expose the “decades-long effort to discover and test ways to erase and reprogram the human mind.”