Joe Biden went on “The View” and broke his silence on leaving the Presidential race with this wild claim

Photo by Maryland GovPics, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr,

It’s been over two months since Joe Biden dropped out of the Presidential race.

Biden has mostly avoided the public spotlight since his departure in July.

But Joe Biden went on The View and broke his silence on leaving the Presidential race with this wild claim.

Democrats realized they had a huge problem with President Joe Biden when he put his senility on full display during his debate with former President Donald Trump on June 26.

Democrat Party officials and media pundits were calling on Joe Biden to step aside before the debate even ended.

Joe Biden viciously pushed back against calls for him to drop out and said only God Almighty could make him exit the race.

But after mounting pressure from Democrat leaders, Biden suddenly announced his decision to exit the race in a post on social media on July 21.

He then immediately endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement.

On Tuesday, Joe Biden appeared for his first interview since his departure with The View.

When Joe Biden ran in 2020, he was supposed to be a “transition candidate” in the first place.

“When I ran this last time, I said that I saw myself as a transition president, to a new generation of leadership,” Biden said. 

But according to Biden, his alleged success interfered with his plans.

“What happened was, we were having so much success in getting things done that people thought we couldn’t get done, I found myself having to use more time than I would have ordinarily to pass that torch,” Biden said.

Of course, most Americans believe Joe Biden was forced out of the race by Democrats after he put his senility on full display in the first debate against Donald Trump.

Many reports have indicated that it was Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and former President Barack Obama who ultimately strong-armed Joe Biden into stepping aside.

The View’s token RINO, Alyssa Farah Griffin, cut to the chase and directly asked Biden how it impacted his relationship with Nancy Pelosi.

“Did you feel that your hand was forced and what is your relationship with Speaker Pelosi now?” she asked.

Biden described their relationship as “fine.”

“I never fully believed the assertions that somehow there was this overwhelming reluctance to my running again, I didn’t sense that,” Biden added. “And although the polling — they said Biden polling was different,” Biden continued, before adding that “the fact of the matter is, my polling was about where, you know, about always within range of beating this guy.”

Biden admitted that some Democrats did want him to “step aside so they have a chance to move on,” but he chalked it up to “human nature.”

Ultimately, Biden claimed that he stepped down after a lot of reflecting on his age.

But co-host Whoopi Goldberg was still outraged at how Democrats treated Joe Biden in the days following his debate with Trump.

“I didn’t like the way they did it,” she said. “I’m going to just say it out loud, because nobody says it out loud, but I didn’t like the way it was done publicly.” 

She then told the Democrat President that “you were my ride or die,” before adding that “wherever you were going, that’s where I was going.”

But the co-hosts wanted to know what Joe Biden thinks would have been the outcome if he had stayed in the race against Trump.

When asked if he would have defeated Trump, Biden shot back with a firm “yes.”

Biden continued by claiming that “I was confident I would beat Trump.”

“He’s a loser,” he added.

Biden may claim that he made the decision to drop out after spending a few days thinking about his age.

But Americans know better.

Americans know Joe Biden was forced out by his fellow Democrat elites.