The clock is ticking down on Joe Biden’s time in the White House.
He’s trying to make sure its next occupant is a Democrat.
And Joe Biden is scared as hell after he was caught in this awful 2024 payoff.
Joe Biden is laundering donations to left-wing groups through the EPA
A hallmark of President Joe Biden’s lone term in the White House has been funneling taxpayer money to his radical left-wing political allies.
Biden bailed out a Teamster’s pension fund that went bankrupt through embezzlement with COVID pandemic relief money.
Now, he’s using the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to funnel taxpayer money to radical left-wing activist groups ahead of the 2024 election.
The EPA selected the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights and the Insight Garden Program to receive community change grants between $1 and $3 million for “Environmental and Climate Justice in Prison and Reentry Communities.”
This Baker Center is a left-wing activist group that wants to defund the police, close prisons, and decriminalize shoplifting.
It’s always been and will always be #DefundThePolice
— Ella Baker Center (@ellabakercenter) May 1, 2024
The group encourages and instructs criminals on how to vote, including those who are currently serving time in state and federal prisons.
Joe Biden created a government slush fund for his political allies
Biden’s wildly misnamed Inflation Reduction Action included a nearly $2 billion grant program through the EPA for “Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change.”
Environmental and climate justice are catch-all terms that cover virtually every type of left-wing political activism.
“This project will engage up to 1,350 individuals in California prisons and reentry communities to learn more about the unique environmental and climate justice challenges faced by these communities-such the impact of dangerous heat waves on populations housed in aging facilities without adequate cooling or ventilation-and identify potential solutions,” the EPA said about the Baker Center’s grant.
“The project will also establish a statewide Environmental Advisory Board to educate policymakers about these challenges and develop policy recommendations to improve conditions,” the EPA added.
The Baker Center responded to Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal in November 2021 for acting in self-defense during a Black Lives Matter and Antifa riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020 by calling for a “complete divestment from police.”
“For centuries, black and brown communities have suffered from the harm, murders, and trauma born from a racist, unjust system,” the Baker Center stated. “This verdict is the system doing what it was always designed to do — advancing white supremacy, and protecting people like Rittenhouse who murder to advance it.”
The group demanded that California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom close five prisons this year.
Biden’s EPA has become a clearing house to funnel taxpayer money to radical left-wing groups under the cover of environmental or climate justice.
The New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice and the New York Immigration Coalition are receiving $50 million as part of a group grant from the EPA.
Even Senator Shelley Moore Capito (RINO-WV) realized how absurd this taxpayer slush fund had become.
“The Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, the most recent funding was announced last week, is getting between one and $3 million,” Capito said. “And they are actively advocating to defund police, decriminalize shoplifting and abolish our prisons… I mean, this is taxpayer dollars, and what do they have to do with telling people how to live and cope better and clean up their environment?”
Joe Biden is making sure his political allies are well taken care of with taxpayer money.