Jill Biden finally dropped the act and fully revealed herself as the acting President of the United States

Photo by U.S. Secretary of Defense, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/

Jill Biden was first on the scene to lead her feeble husband off the stage following the debate that ended his career.

And she then tried in vain for a month to fend off the Kamala Coup, but her resistance ultimately proved to be futile as the behind-the-scenes Democrat Party power brokers forced Biden out.

But now Jill Biden finally dropped the act and fully revealed herself as the acting President of the United States.

Who is currently running the United States?

It wasn’t long ago at all that President Joe Biden was running for re-election and yelling at anyone who would listen that he was as fit as a fiddle. 

Democrat elites and their media allies all ran cover for Biden, claiming he was “as sharp as a tact.” 

But following his debate performance against former President Donald Trump, the façade faded away. 

Some post-debate video even emerged, showing First Lady Jill Biden grabbing the Democrat President by the arm and slowly and gently guiding him to the edge of the stage before he had to turn and side-step down a few small steps with his wife helping him along.

Ever since Biden was pushed aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris, the voting public has seen and heard very little from the supposed President.

In fact, the one thing that has drawn any attention to the Democrat President was when he was tricked into donning a Trump hat. 

With Biden apparently missing in action, many Americans are now wondering who is running the show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 

And a new video is providing a disturbing answer to that completely reasonable query.  

Jill Biden is now filling in for her husband’s duties 

It needs to first be noted that Jill Biden – much like Kamala Harris — has received zero votes for President of the United States.  

But that’s not stopping her from apparently running the Biden-Harris regime. 

While the Vice President campaigns for a promotion, and the President calls it a night at 4 p.m., it looks like the First Lady is taking charge. 

The White House reportedly held its first cabinet meeting in 11 months. 

And, as you can see in the above video, it wasn’t President Biden sitting at the head of the table leading his team. 

Instead, it was his 73-year-old wife who was talking about all the work that remains for her to do in the remaining time of her husband’s single term in the Oval Office. 

“This is nuts,” Turning Points USA founder Charlie Kirk tweeted in response to the video. “Who is running the country?! Absolutely NO ONE elected Jill Biden.” 

This is coming from the party that calls Donald Trump and his supporters a “clear and present danger to democracy” and is claiming “democracy is on the ballot this November.”